
Tuesday 13 September 2022

New bollards (and replacements) for Lombard Street

Ten days ago, Kent County Council installed twenty nine new wooden bollards in Lombard Street, running up the hill from the end of the existing black and white bollards. The verge, which had been damaged by vehicles, has also been made safe. 

These works fill in a significant gap which was resulting in damage to the verge. Residents’ other concern has been the bad effect on local amenity of the black and white posts that had already been installed. The local Kent Highways team has succeeded in finding scope within its very limited budgets to first install the black and white bollards, and now to replace them with wooden bollards. An order has been placed and the replacement by the new bollards should take place before the end of the year.

KCC has limited direct involvement in the issues on and around the Oakview Stud Farm, though we work with other key partners such as the District and Parish Councils to help address them. The highway consequences of activity in the area are, however, our direct responsibility and we continue to address those.

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