
Sunday 31 July 2022

KCC budget consultation until 5 September

A little over a week ago - so with apologies for the lateness in posting this - Kent County Council launched its budget consultation. You can find the media release about the consultation here.

As in previous years, the 2023-24 budget will be a story of hard choices. KCC has delivered over £800:million in savings (equivalent to two-thirds of our annual budget) over little more than a decade. The years to come will present continuing challenges, with needs in areas such as adult social care and children’s social services outstripping the growth in our resources (council tax and government grant). To this must be added the pressures of inflation, to which much of our expenditures are highly sensitive.

The consultation offers an opportunity to help shape KCC’s budget choices in these challenging circumstances. You can take part via this link, and the consultation runs until 5 September.

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