
Sunday 18 September 2016

Latest on the pothole blitz

Kent Highways' annual pothole blitz, with a budget of £3 million, was launched in June. You can check progress, both across the County and by District, here.

The latest figures show:

- Across Kent, with 5,372 miles of road, £1.4m has been spent on completed works; the comparable figures for Sevenoaks District are 492 miles of road and £166,153 spent

- Across Kent, 1,079 single potholes have been fixed; for Sevenoaks, the figure is 292

- Across Kent, 39,115 square metres of multiple potholes and larger repairs have been undertaken; in Sevenoaks, 5,197 square metres (these latter figures are for potholes greater than a square metre in size and more than 200mm deep, or where there are multiple defects)

There has clearly been quite a lot of progress, though still scope for a lot more to be done, and Sevvenoaks seems to be somewhat ahead of its pro rata share, as was the case when I reported last. Kent Highways has written to Parish Councils to report on progress and to ask for feedback on where significant problems have not yet been tackled. In addition, any of us can report a pothole here.

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