
Monday 12 September 2016

Downsview keeps its Good rating

Downsview Primary School in Swanley has been rated Good by OFSTED since March 2012. The school had a short inspection (under OFSTED's new framework of inspections) in July. The resulting Inspector's letter to head teacher Duncan Edwards, confirming the school's continuing Good rating, has now been published.

The letter makes very encouraging reading. It speaks of a "continually improving school [which] does a great job for its pupils." It praises Duncan Edwards' leadership and that of his senior team, the school's teachers, and the role of governors and (I am glad to see) the local authority. It speaks of an environment that is nurturing but also develops its pupils academically (though this is, as the report notes, not yet fully reflected in Key Stage 2 results). Pupil Premium is spent effectively, ensuring that pupils who are supported by it do well. Those with Special Educational Needs do well.

As I noted a few months ago, all the schools in the Darent Valley Division are now rated Good. Downsview, notwithstanding drawing from some of the less affluent parts of the Division, has held that rating for longer than many.  It is nonetheless heatening to see this maintained, and in such decisive fashion. The head, governors, staff and pupils how to be  congratulated on this excellent result.

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