
Monday 6 July 2020

School transport: the autumn planning challenge

There are many questions – above all from parents – about transport to school in the light of the recent government announcement about return in September. For KCC there is still a lot of uncertainty because the announcement came only in the course of last week,  followed by a letter from Transport Minister Baroness Vere to local authorities on Friday and there is quite a bit more government guidance but hasn't come out yet. KCC officers are working on the issue flat out but there are quite a few uncertainties and challenges. Here are a few:

- 'Entitled scholars' -  the children who get free transport because they are attending their 'nearest appropriate school' – are expected to travel in their 'bubbles' (year groups for secondary schools)

-  It appears that some of the social distancing requirements on buses are likely to be relaxed, but they will still only operate at 50 - 60% (at best) of capacity. Together these are likely to increase the need for buses

-  Government is discouraging other students from taking the bus, but it's not prohibited and for many of course driving children in isn't an option (quite apart from other bad effects). The 'window' for applications for the bus pass (Kent Travel Saver) opens on 13 July, and the level of take-up of that will clearly influence what capacity is needed

- There is an expectation from government that local authorities will fund extra bus capacity where needed -  how this is to be financed and the (physical) number of buses available is less clear

 So a lot of detailed work is needed and is being undertaken. We are likely to plan on the basis of major towns and the journeys in to them. KCC will get communications out as soon as possible and recognises the huge importance of this for parents.

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