
Tuesday 30 June 2020

£1.6m (this time) for active travel in Kent

Kent County Council has been awarded £1.6 million from the Department for Transport for schemes to promote active travel, such as walking and cycling.

The Covid lockdown in March produced both a reduction in overall travel and a major shift in travel patterns. Walking and cycling increased, though the big drop in use of public transport, coupled with  fears for future usage because of concerns about infection risk and the requirements of social distancing, threatens a return to car dependence. The aim of policy now is to lock in the gains in increased walking and cycling.  

The announcement at the end of last week represents success in the first round of bidding for DfT support for active travel schemes. Councils had to produce in short order (barely a week) a set of proposals for the first round of allocations. KCC stood to secure up to £1.6 million, and in gaining 100% of its possible allocation was more successful than some areas.  Over the next eight weeks the council must successfully implement its schemes, with the aim of securing a bigger (£6.4m) second tranche of funding.

Schemes going ahead over the next eight weeks include those in Tunbridge Wells, Canterbury, Faversham, Hythe and Margate. The extremely rushed nature of the first round meant that KCC officers had to put forward 'off the shelf' schemes that had already been proposed or considered at some point. However, in the second round there will be a greater focus on working with local County Councillors and others to bring forward schemes.


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