
Friday 15 January 2016

Country parks - no change for Lullingstone

Back in the early autumn, there was considerable concern from Parish Councils in Darent Valley over a Prior Information Notice (PIN) issued by Kent County Council relating to the nine principal Country Parks that it operates, among them Lullingstone. The PIN, issued in late July (but only coming to the attention of Parish Councils, and me as a local Member, in September) was to test the market regarding interest from commercial or not for profit operators in operating one or more of these Country Parks, or bringing forward other proposals that could contribute to their better operation.

The concept of some external involvement in Country Parks has been on the table for a number of years, and KCC undertook a service review of Country Parks (as it has of many other services) in 2014. The PIN was one element that emerged from that review, alongside a 2014-17 strategy for Country Parks.
The unintentionally late communication of the PIN to Parish Councils - towards the end of the eight-week market testing process - added to local concerns. At the same time, KCC made clear that, at this point, it was committing itself to nothing more than to test the market for ideas. Any significant change arising from this would have been subject to extensive consultation.

I spoke directly with the officers leading the process, and the senior officer involved came to speak to the Lullingstone Liaison Group (which I chair and which brings together three Parish Councils and others with a strong interest in the park) in November.

The outcomes of the PIN were taken to a KCC internal board in December. It can now be confirmed that the County Council has responded to those who expressed an interest in the PIN, and that no organisation expressed an interest in Lullingstone Country Park.

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