
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Budget consultation: choices for tough tines

KCC has launched a six week consultation on its 2016-17 budget. The consultation will close on 24 November, one day before the government's Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR).

The County Council has delivered huge savings - £433 million over the last five years. However, further savings of some £80 million will be needed this year, and after delivering such large-scale economies in recent years, we now face difficult choices. The precise amount of savings needed cannot be determined in advance of the CSR and the subsequent local government financial settlement, but the general scale of the challenge facing us is clear. At the same time the County Council is proposing a moderate council tax increase of 1.99%.

Rising pressures on the budget, such as the need for social care services driven by demographic change, are the biggest factor driving the need for savings. This effect is exacerbated by anticipated further reductions in government grant.

You can find the consultation, which covers the proposed council tax increase and the value that residents put on different services, here.

KCC will publish its post-consultation budget proposals on 11 January and the budget will be out to County Council on 11 February.

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