
Sunday 8 March 2015

Report to Crockenhill Annual Parish Meeting

Thursday evening saw the Crockenhill Annual Parish meeting - a little earlier than its usual April date. As usual, I gave my report on the year's work.

One of the main topics I addressed was the ongoing effort to tackle speeding and safety issues in the heart of the village, in particular at the Broadway/Cray Road/Main Road junction. I have been working on a set of measures to be paid for from my Combined Member Fund.

High friction surfacing and an interactive sign were introduced back in spring 2013, and we have been seeking to put in additional measures since then. However, the difficulty has been that many of the possible measures would require road closures that would cause unacceptable disruption to the village. In particular, this would apply to the sort of measures needed to support a 20mph zone, which villagers and parish councillors would very much like to see.

So, despite a lot of work involving the parish council, Kent Highways and me, it has been a somewhat frustrating year. However, having undertaken speed surveys in the area, we are now looking at a range of measures that would include changes to parking and use of so-called 'virtual humps', as well as village signs. There are still some details to be agreed, but we are now close to being able to take these forward. In particular, it should be possibke to go straight out to consultation on the proposed yellow lines.

In addition, there were messures to tackle speeding as traffic comes down to Broadway from Green Court Road that do not require a road closure, including safety fencing by the village green to highlight that pedestrians are approaching a road crossing. This was – after a number of contractor delays – installed around the turn of the year, with a wobbly post set to be fixed during the last few days.

Additional works for which orders have been raised and which should be carried out in the near future include a SLOW sign in the road, improvements to signage and a refreshing of lines in the road around the junction.

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