
Thursday 9 May 2013

New role working with Kent's schools

Following the County Council elections, KCC Leader Paul Carter has appointed a new Cabinet. I served in the Cabinet in the previous council term, with responsibility for the 'corporate centre' - Property, Human Resources, IT (including the BDUK project for superfast broadband - see post of 18 March) as well as the performance management of the authority - and also for our new role and responsibilities under the government's NHS reforms.

Our Cabinet Member for Education, Mike Whiting, did not retain his Swale seat in last week's elections; a serious loss, since he brought enormous energy and commitment to the portfolio. I have been asked to take on the education role, while maintaining my work on health reform. This is an exciting new role and I look forward to working with schools and colleges across Kent and seeking to ensure the best possible education for the county's children and young people. I have two children going through the Kent system (currently at primary level), so this won't just be an abstract policy issue as far as I am concerned.

The in-tray is a very full one: ensuring full and proper provision of school places at a time of rising school rolls, working to ensure high standards in schools and bedding in the local authority's new role in the world of academies and Michael Gove's education reforms. There's also responsibility for early years education, skills, apprenticeships and links to other community services for young people. Not to mention issues in which I have long had a strong interest, such as the Sevenoaks grammar school satellite. All that plus health reform will keep me busy - while never losing sight of the constituents who sent me back to County Hall from Darent Valley last week.

Here's the full list of the new Cabinet:

  • Paul Carter - Leader and Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Audit & Transformation
  • John Simmonds – Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance & Procurement
  • David Brazier – Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment
  • Gary Cooke – Cabinet Member for Corporate & Democratic Services
  • Mark Dance – Cabinet Member for Economic Development
  • Graham Gibbens – Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services & Public Health
  • Roger Gough – Cabinet Member for Education & Health Reform
  • Mike Hill – Cabinet Member for Community Services
  • Bryan Sweetland – Cabinet Member for Commercial & Traded Services
  • Jenny Whittle – Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services

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