
Sunday 24 February 2013

Tree trimming in St George's Road due to start this week

Residents of St George's Road have been concerned about the scale of leaf fall from the row of trees in front of their homes, which causes a number of drainage problems. At the same time, the trees provide a screen from the London Road, so residents would certainly not like to see them cut down.

Before ...
Following a site visit last year, and several stages of consultation with residents, we agreed that the top third would be taken off the trees. This will be paid for from my Member Highway Fund and work is scheduled to begin this coming Wednesday, 27 February, lasting until the following Tuesday.  Other measures such as drain cleansing have also been taken.

... and after
Meanwhile, residents and local councillors have wanted to see a replacement for another tree which stands in front of the houses in St George's work but which died last year. A replacement, also paid for from my Member Highway Fund, has now been planted.

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