
Sunday 3 February 2013

Go ahead for Crockenhill road safety plans

I have for some time been working with the Parish Council on plans to improve the safety of the junction between Cray Road, Main Road and Broadway at the centre of the village (see post of 11 October). There have been many frustrations and stages at which we have had to go back to the drawing board, but we are now ready to go ahead.

Kent Highways officers drew up revised plans following a site meeting in October, and the Parish Council considered them at its meeting not long before Christmas. With a few final tweaks to the plans, we have got a shared plan of action. There will be improved signage in all directions approaching the crossing, with a particular focus on the Cray Road side (traffic approaching from the Orpington direction), which will have vehicle activated signs to warn of the approaching crossing and the need to slow down. There will also be use of granite setts and red high-friction surfacing. Signage will also be added to discourage HGVs from coming through the village, including putting a new sign in Wested Lane closer to the junction with London Road.

The project will be paid for from my Member Highway Fund and work should start soon. It has been a long wait, but hopefully the results should be good for the village.

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