
Saturday 20 October 2012

Mary Inniss

I was deeply saddened to hear earlier this week of the death of Mary Inniss. Mary was a central figure  in the life of Shoreham, giving lengthy service on the Parish Council and chairing the Governors of Shoreham School. She saw the school through some challenging times to its present, much stronger position. Dealing as I have with a number of issues at the school, including appeals, I know how much she cared about the success of the school and of the children who go there.

She was deeply committed to Lullingstone as a Country Park, and when we constituted a Liaison Group to ensure that local people's voices were heard in decision-making about the park, it was natural that she should serve on it. She was also an active member of the local Conservatives, and I am deeply grateful for the support that she gave me. Her husband Richard shared all these interests and commitments and supported her through her illness.

I will miss her.

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