
Sunday 30 June 2019

KCC's 20mph policy review

Last month, KCC's Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee considered a report on policy towards 20mph zones.

KCC has been quite open to 20mph zones; there are more than 1,000 roads with such zones across the County, and some 22 schemes covering 286 roads have been approved in the last two years. Nonetheless, the application of Department for Transport guidance, and the matching view of Kent Police regarding effective enforcement, runs counter to the strong commitment of some campaigners to a much wider application of the zones.

The KCC report follows the national study by Atkins, which gave some support to the benefits of 20 mph zones. It also sought to address the issue (reflected in current DfT guidance) of the need for traffic calming measures to reinforce signage only schemes when speeds exceed 24 mph, and proposed use of innovative and less intrusive traffic calming methods.

KCC officers therefore proposed, and the Committee agreed, a two-stage approach, under which schemes can demonstrate community support and gain sponsorship from a County Councillor, followed by the use of traffic calming measures (such as gateway features and centre line removals) where speeds are in the 24 to 28 mph range. A number of pilot projects will be brought forward in the coming year to test out the approach.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

SD341: delayed again

Once again, my most recent post on the replacement of the railway bridge crossed by SD341, and the consequent reopening of SD341, proved premature.

This time we got as far as Network Rail and its contractors having the new bridge in place and the railway line closed with bus replacement services in operation. However, as in March, the winds were too high, installation did not proceed and on Monday the replacement bridge was driven away. I understand that the next attempt is likely to be in September, and will post again once I know more.

A dispiriting turn in this long-running saga.

Thursday 13 June 2019

SD341: bridge replacement works due to start

Network Rail's replacement of its bridge in Crockenhill, postponed from March, now looks set to get under way.

Network Rail have permits in place for today and tomorrow for vegetation clearance. Waiting restrictions will apply in Green Court Road and Stones Cross Road from 7am tomorrow (Friday 14 June) until 6am on Monday (17 June) to keep the roads clear.   This will allow heavy vehicles, lifting equipment and bridge sections to get to the site).  

The bridge should be replaced over the weekend. It, and with it public footpath SD341, should be open from 24 June.