
Sunday 19 March 2017

Crockenhill granite setts to go in

A major element of the safety measures targeted at the centre of Crockenhill - in particular, around the junctions of Main Road, Cray Road and Broadway - has been the potential installation of granite setts to focus drivers' attention that they are coming into the centre of the village.

At a meeting that I held with Kent Highways and the Parish Council in September, it was agreed that an alternative approach, using rumble strips, would be tried out. The strips were installed at the Broadway approach to the junction, and given a trial period to see if it was felt that they could provide the same or similar benefits.

The Parish Council, drawing on feedback from residents, concluded in January that the rumble strips were not sufficient, and so it was agreed to go ahead with the installation of the setts, paid for from my Combined Member Fund. This will begin tomorrow, starting with the Eynsford Road/ Main Road approach. This will require a road closure, probably lasting a couple of days; for the other approaches, contrary to earlier anticipations, traffic lights should be sufficient.

The installation of the setts should give added force to the other measures undertaken so far, including the 20mph zone. For the main action still outstanding, the installation of village entry signs, locations have been agreed; this should take place early in the new financial year.  

Thursday 2 March 2017

Keep Kent Clean

The Great British Spring Clean - a national effort to clean and tidy up the country, hopefully set to become an annual event - is due to take place this weekend. Over the last few weeks, Kent County Council has been promoting the Keep Kent Clean initiative, designed to support the Great British Spring Clean but also to run throughout the entire month of March.

The County Council, working with District and Parish Councils and through community wardens and its other officers, is undertaking its own cleanup and is encouraging others to get involved. KCC's work will include vegetation clearance, refreshing of white lines, litter picks in areas such as country parks (of which more in a minute) and cleaning of road signs.

The County Council is also pressing for details from Highways England as to the work they will be undertaking concerning the condition of their verges (which are a significant concern, and are an issue that constituents have raised with me).

You can find out more about Keep Kent Clean from this Facebook page, which includes a video with KCC Leader Paul Carter.

Events in Darent Valley over the weekend include litter picks in Swanley, in Horton Kirby and South Darenth (starting from the village hall) at 11 on Sunday, and in Lullingstone Country Park on Saturday morning at 10 - I'm planning to be at the Lullingstone pick.