
Monday 19 December 2016

Consultation on Preston Hill and Country Parks Strategy in 2017

As I reported earlier this year, Kent County Council had considered a number of smaller Country Park sites, among them Preston Hill, for disposal. However, this was quickly - and rightly - reconsidered. In addition, the sites, which had been transferred to KCC's Property Division, came back to the Country Parks team.

The County Council will be consulting in the New Year on its renewed strategy for country parks. As part of this, it has written to anyone who expressed a view on the future of these smaller sites, asking them to contribute to the consultation. This will include any suggestions about the future of specific sites. Letters have also been sent to Parish Councils.

The letter states that groups such as wildlife charities have expressed an interest in becoming more involved in the running of the sites, which is very welcome. They will, however, remain under the overall stewardship of the County Council.

Thursday 8 December 2016

JTB approves schemes for Crockenhill and Eynsford

The Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board, of which I am a member, met on Tuesday evening. Among the items on the agenda were two schemes that I am supporting through my Combined Member Fund. They are:

  • In Crockenhill, double yellow lines on Green Court Road, running north east from the junction with Stones Cross Road
  • In Eynsford, on the A225 High Street near the Anthony Roper Primary School, restrictions during school run times outside Alton Cottages, and ashort extension of the double yellow line is near the Priory Lane  junction
You can find the meeting papers here; the two schemes are reported under agenda item 8. The report summarised the outcome of consultations on the two schemes. There were only two objections to the Eynsford proposal, and none to the Crockenhill proposal. Both schemes were therefore approved, and should proceed in the near future -  which should be very good news for both villages. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Trial rumble strips in Crockenhill

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Kent Highways, Crockenhill Parish Council and I agreed at a site meeting in October to carry out a trial installation of rumble strips approaching the Cray Road/ Main Road/ Broadway junction. These will be tested out to see whether or not they provide a suitable alternative to granite sets as part of the safety measures in the centre of the village.

The trial strips have now been installed; residents are asked to send comments to the Parish Council or to me. A decision on how to proceed will be taken early in the New Year.

There should be more news on road safety measures soon, since yellow line schemes in Eynsford and Crockenhill are going to the Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board tomorrow evening. I will report back.