
Monday 26 November 2012

Eynsford School Run Safety Campaign Update

The Eynsford School Run Safety Campaign, of which I am a member, met on 19 November. Here is a one page update (News Sheet No. 2 of the Campaign) written by John Harris, Chairman of the Campaign, which gives a useful summary of where we are:

The group has been quite busy since the last Newsletter so here is a summary of the progress we have made to date:
·         At our request, Eynsford Parish Council has asked KCC to install time-limited yellow lines outside Alton Cottages (i.e. the school side) in order to prevent parking on both sides of the A225 during the school run.
·         In concert with this, we are actively pursuing provision of off-street parking very close to the Alton Cottage/Fernbank area to accommodate the overspill.
·         We are investigating ways in which cars on the Fernbank side (i.e. opposite the school) can be parked so as not to obstruct/block the pavement – then children alighting from these cars could cross the road safely using the Zebra crossing.
·         We continue to look into setting up a “walking bus” from the Farningham village end – more news later – and, as part of this, the dangerous bend at the “gap” between Oliver Crescent and the start of the Millfield footpath has been noted and we shall investigate, with KCC’s advice, measures that could be taken to make this area safer for pedestrians.
·         Cllr. Mike Horwood, SDC Councillor for Eynsford, is looking into providing yellow safety over-vests (“tabards”) with the SRSC logo for all children at the school so that any walking they do participate in will be that much safer for them.
·         Cllr. Roger Gough, KCC Councillor for Darent Valley, is taking a preliminary look at the costs and logistics of setting up a private bus service from the outlying areas (e.g. West Kingsdown, Swanley, Crockenhill, Knatts Valley). Mrs. Newton will be surveying the likely take-up of such a service in order to get more accurate costs.
·         Parents will also be surveyed to see how many might use a “drop-off” zone (i.e where the vehicle stops but only the child alights)
Remember, if you drive to school…………
v     park safely
v     park politely
v     park without obstructing other parents and road-users
John Harris (SRSC Chairman, 01322 862699)

Tuesday 20 November 2012

A solution for the 413 bus

Since early this term, parents of children going to Leigh Technology Academy from the Horton Kirby and South Darenth area have been expressing their concerns about overcrowding on the 413 bus. I have raised the issue with both KCC officers and the bus provider, Go-Coach, who have been looking for ways to resolve the problem.
A solution is now in sight, and should come into effect at the start of the new term. The 413 bus will no longer go to Leigh Technology Academy, but will instead focus on the Dartford secondary schools. Quite separately, a new bus - provisionally known as the 411 - will serve Leigh Technology Academy directly. It will be provided by Go-Coach and supported by funding from KCC.
This has been a difficult term for parents and young people travelling to Leigh Technology Academy, but it now looks as though the New Year will bring a welcome new service.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Road resurfacing in Crockenhill and Farningham

In the summer, Kent Highways announced that £6m was available for additional resurfacing projects across the County. The money had arisen from an underspend in KCC's budget for last financial year (2011-12).

I worked with Parish Councils across my Division to bid for possible projects in Darent Valley. We always knew that we would not get everything, or indeed most of what we asked for: there is plenty of demand for schemes across the whole County. But if you don't ask, you certainly don't get. So we asked.

Three schemes have been successful: Stones Cross Road in Crockenhill, White Post Hill in Farningham and Beesfield Lane, also in Farningham.

The only bad news ... With harsher weather setting in, the work will not be able to be done until March. But we do at least have the prospect of three schemes, worth some £70,000, going ahead in the Division in the coming months.