
Thursday 30 August 2012

Highways tour of Shoreham

Earlier this year at a public meeting I chaired in Shoreham, many residents were keen that we took an overall look at the highways problems in the village. So today I walked the village with members of the parish council and Kent Highways officers.We identified where weeds need tackling and road signs need cleaning.

We also examined possible sites for 'gateways' making it clearer to drivers that they are entering the village; sites for speed and traffic logs, again at the approaches to the village; ways to enhance the pathways to the station; and extra parking sites, an issue which is likely to be led by Sevenoaks District Council.

In addition, Kent Highways is currently re-examining its views on mirrors at road bends, which in the past it has been reluctant to endorse. There are possible sites in the village where these could be applied.

Friday 24 August 2012

Tackling highways issues in Well Hill

Accompanied by an officer from Kent Highways, I met representatives from Well Hill Residents' Association to investigate the continuing problems on Rock Hill. Water flowing down the hill in the Bromley direction can quickly turn icy when it gets cold, making this steep hill treacherous.

Last year I asked a highways engineer to examine the problem and he asked Thames Water to carry out works on their pipes. However, that does not seem to have fixed the problem and so at my request Kent Highways are looking at the problem again.

While we were there, the Kent Highways officer and I also looked at drainage problems in Well Hill, in the dip in the road between Firmingers Road and Parkgate Road.

I hope to have further updates on both issues soon.